CHE-5043-2 – Chemical Reactions 2: Equilibrium and Oxydation-Reduction

38,00 $

  • Combo (9-2046)
  • Learning Guide, 596 p. (8-2046-01)
  • Scored Activities (3) (0-2046-02)
  • DIGITAL – Learning Guide, 596 p. (N-2046-01)
  • Chemical Reactions 2 – Lab Kit (7-2040-05)

Chemical Reactions 2: Equilibrium and Oxidation−Reduction is the last optional course in a series of three courses for adults who are completing the Secondary V Chemistry program, which is equivalent to the Chemistry 534 program offered in the youth sector. By learning about the experimental method, in this third course, students will gain a better understanding of chemical equilibrium and oxidation−reduction reactions, together with the related technical applications, social changes and environmental consequences.

Duration: 50 hours (2 units)
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical equilibrium;
  • Oxidation−reduction reactions and the operation of electrochemical cells.

The passing grade for the scored activities: 60%
The passing grade for the end of course evaluation: 60%

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