FRE-1104-3 – Propos liés à l’environnement physique et social

28,00 $


  • Combo (9-1925)
  • Learning Guide, 434 p. (8-1925-01)
  • Scored Activities (4) (7-1925-07)
  • DIGITAL – Learning Guide, 434 p. (N-1925-01)

The course Propos liés à l’environnement physique et social prepares the adult learner to communicate, ask for and understand basic information related to his/her physical and social environment. Through real-life situations, the learner will improve his/her oral and written language proficiency.

Duration: 75 hours (3 units)

This course is comprised of 18 learning situations related to the adult learner's physical and social environment, and includes topics such as:

• the climate;

• countries around the world;

• food and clothing customs at home and abroad;

• urban and rural environments;

• social gatherings;

• cultural events;

• weather conditions.

Access to a website, audio files and 4 scored activities in digital format are included free of charge on portailsofad.comwith the purchase of this learning guide. The scored activities (formative evaluation) are an integral part of the suggested learning method.


The passing grade for the scored activities is 60%.

The passing grade for the end of course evaluation is 60%.

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