This tool contains the principal notions of grammar needed for the successful completion of both 1st and 2nd cycles of Secondary studies.
The presentation of the rules and principles of grammar takes different types of learners into account.
The content is organized by grammar notion, using tables, graphics and written examples.
With clear explanations and examples, this reference provides an excellent overview of English grammar.
PART I : Major Linguistic Categories, such as adjectives, adverbes, nouns, prepositions, etc.
PART II : Other Linguisitc Elements, such as phonology, semantics, sentence structure, etc.
PART III : Textual Cohesion, including agreement and transitional expressions.
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers / Telling Time / Days, Months, and Seasons / Common False Cognates / Homophones / Common Phrasal Verbs / Irregular Verbs