
In keeping with the objectives of the Physics Program of Study (Diversified Basic Education Program, Secondary V – grade 11), SOFAD offers resources that are designed to help learners consolidate and enrich their scientific knowledge, particularly with respect to the compulsory concepts related to geometric optics, kinematics, dynamics and mechanical energy transformations.They are also designed to develop or reinforce the following subject-specific competencies:

  • Seeks answers or solutions to problems involving physics
  • Makes the most of his/her knowledge of physics
  • Communicates ideas relating to questions involving chemistry, using the language of science and technology
Résultats 1 - 5 sur 5.
  • Forces and Mechanical Energy is the course following Optics and Kinematics. While kinematics studies motion, dynamics studies the causes of this motion: forces. Forces are essential to achieve work and, in order to work, we need energy.  Forces and Mechanical Energy is the course following Optics and Kinematics. While kinematics...

  • Optics and Kinematics is the first of two courses in the Secondary V physics program. Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that studies motion without consideration of its causes. The simplest kind of motion is the linear motion. Optics and Kinematics is the first of two courses in the Secondary V physics program. Kinematics...

  • Forces and Energy is the last course in a series of three optional courses designed for adult learners who wish to complete the Secondary V Physics program, which is equivalent to the Physics 534 program in the youth sector. Forces and Energy is the last course in a series of three optional courses designed for adult...

  • Kinematics and Momentum is the second of three courses designed for adult learners who wish to complete the Secondary V Physics program, which is the equivalent of the Physics 534 program offered in the youth sector. Kinematics and Momentum is the second of three courses designed for adult learners who wish to...

  • Optics is the first of three courses designed for adult learners who wish to complete the Secondary V Physics program, which is the equivalent of the Physics 534 program offered in the youth sector. Optics is the first of three courses designed for adult learners who wish to complete the...

Résultats 1 - 5 sur 5.

